Summer Petite Production
The Petite Production is a new MOVE offering!
This production is for those looking for a theater experience, but with less time commitment. This will be an all-in-one production experience with auditions built-in and everyone will be cast!

Thursdays, June 3 - July 22
1pm - 2:30pm
Auditions & Rehearsals
at Barrington Campus Life Center
*June 17 & 24 from 3pm - 4:30pm*
Friday, July 23
Final Dress Rehearsal 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Performance at 7pm
at Barrington Campus Life Center
Ages 6 -- 14
Registration Fee: $200 per performer
Included in fee - Production materials (script & copy of all music, to keep), props and additional costume pieces, full theatrical experience on stage with lights, sounds & costumes!
Registration due by June 3 at 1pm
Costumes: All costumes will be the responsibility of the families. A detailed costume guide will be handed out the first day of rehearsal and discussed.
Tickets: Tickets for the show will range from $5 -- $10
Auditions, rehearsals and performances will be held at Barrington Campus Life Center!
150 S Lageschulte Street, Barrington, IL 60010
If you have any questions please contact us:
moveproductions.theater@gmail.com 224-228-6504
Due to COVID-19 we may have to run our show a little differently.
There is also a possibility the location, dates or times could change.
We will keep you updated through email with any changes
Thank you!